Tuesday 27 January 2009

Short film project

Our short film - world premiere Friday 23.01.09

The Ides Of Eight http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=g95BjXF6Sa4

And some other good ones from my class,

Nemo http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Eem0AzAQM98&feature=related

It http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1K4bFG7oAUo&feature=related

Delete http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vgswt9AZ_1o&feature=related

Near http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=X0dEEf52pJY&feature=related

Decampment http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vMpnSN4Li8M&feature=related

Reversible http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hUJ8T8KApF0

Think it's quite impressive, considering we only had 2 short weeks to do the whole thing, and most of us had never done any film before...!

Friday 16 January 2009

Starting up the blogging again

SO, thought I might start a little blogging again. Can't promise regular blogging, but...I'll give it a go. Might be more work and less writing here once things get more intense at school.

It's friday, and I'm almot done with the first week of this term. After a long peaceful holiday, most people came back on monday rested and ready. I was nervous as I hadn't done very much work over the holiday; luckily I wasn't the only one. And I had an excuse as I worked most of my holiday (I got a permanent job at Monmouth by the way, very happy about that! Best job I had, so far.) I knew it was going to be a full-on week, with a new design project starting and hand-in of technical studies (building analysis group-work) and our second history and theory essay.

Monday morning we got the brief for our new project, which is making a short film. Final presentations are next friday or monday, which meant quite little time to do it. I'm in a group with Roland, Graham and Heojih, all great people and so far we've been working well together. The brief was long and partially quite vague, but we got these rules (although as we were told in the first week here, all briefs are only starting points and rules are expected to be broken if we find it necessary):

>The video must be edited and titled, ready for presentation.

>Your site consists of the various buildings of the AA

>Your video will be up to two minutes long, and will contain no fire, smoke or apparent device to show actual flames or related 'material'.

>It will contain no direct images of people, but deal with a dynamic process and narrative poetic notion.

>Your film will be a consturcted scenario that allows you to simulate events and reactions. It can be a series of still images, a series of interconnected scenes, a montage of video and/or audio.

>You may use text, but it must be graphical or notional rather than descriptive.

>You will be working in groups of three students and you will be tutored by two tutors (similar to the model Project)

Monday we had lectures by various architects making film and film makers for inspiration. So far we have a main idea and we've shot about half of the scenes, will write about our project (or maybe even upload the film itself when it's done!) later.

Since my days have changed a bit since last time i blogged, when I was doing the foundation at London Met., this is my plan to day, and will probably be a quite typical friday in my life.

At school 8.15, having some extra time to finish off my essay before meeting my film group at 10. Importing what we shot yesterday evening to Premium, a film editing program, so it's ready to show our turors when we're meeting them for a tutorial at 11.30. At 12 I'm finishing off the technical studies - going through everyones pages to make sure there are no spelling mistakes and that the layout looks ok, then printing it and getting it bound so it's ready to hand in by 4 o'clock this afternoon. Will probably have to do more work on my essay before 4 too. after that we'll be working on the film - we have some close-up day shots to do - so we can start editing and working on the sound this weekend and monday. In between there I'm meeting a friend for a quick coffee down at a cafe in Charing Cross Road at 5, but will probably stay at school until late. Might get a bit more social and less productive at the end of the day as there's an exhibition opening at 6.30 which always means lots of people and free wine. Won't be a late night though - I need to do some laundry tonight and be up to leave for work at 6.30 tomorrow morning.

Monday 5 January 2009