Friday 9 November 2007

Altså, bare en liten kommentar til dere som klager over for lite blogging : hvis dere snakker om bloggen som noe dere leser daglig, så skjønner jeg at ukentlig blogging er lite. Men jeg syns faktisk ogsp at jeg kan forvente litt mer kommentarer - er fire dager siden og 0 kommentarer. Dette er slapt, og dere skuffer meg, kjære lesere. Håper på forbedring på denne fronten. Det holder å bare si hei eller noe.


Hannah said...

jeg kommentgerte den dagen du la ut den forrige bloggen, men jeg kommenterte paa bloggen foer! du maa lese alle!

Anonymous said...

Hei andrea det var jamen kjekt at du har åpnet for anonyme kommentarer da kan vi som ikke har gmailkonto eller som har gmailkonto men som har glemt passordet også kommentere. Jeg synes det ble mye kjekkere å lese nå når du går mer i dybden, og i kveld er jeg spent på å lese hva du har spist til brunch i dag og hva alle disse prosjektene du skal gjøre denne uken handler om. en ting som hadde vært morsomt er om du skrev om frieze art, du var vel mye der og det har vært skrevet utrolig mye om den overalt. god søndag! papa

Anonymous said...

I can't for the life of me remember what username I gave myself, so I'm back as anonymous for now. Since we are all making excuses, mine is that I have been in Barcelona the last week. In the daytime when I had access to internet, I didn't have time to comment, and in the evening when I did have time to comment, I didn't have access to the net. Barcelona was, if anyone is interested, as lovely as ever, and nice and warm. Have not done any shopping to speak of, but have wandered around in the streets of the old town which I now feel fairly familiar with. Street musicians on every other street corner, some bad, some indifferent and some outstandingly good. The conference was as always educational and at times fun (a system developers special brand of fun, where we deep dive into intricate code and learn new tricks; not everyones cup of tea, I'll admit!) Have added a new restaurant and a tapas-bar to my exclusive list of places to eat in Barcelona (am rather picky, so that must be regarded as a great honor, if only they knew!). Tried to blend in with the locals as I rushed of to work (15 min on the tube) in the morning, but don't think I quite succeeded. I was certainly pegged as a visitor as soon as I opened my mouth, as not a word of spanish emerged! I never had to wait more than 3 minutes for the tube, which was impressive, I thought. Love from auntie k, xxx

Astrid og Cecilie said...

åå det virker fint der!:) tok du noen bilder? Virker som du har hatt det kjekt! kanskje vi kan kjøre en dag snart?:)
jeg beklager hvis jeg ikke commenter andrea, men jeg leser! =D keep up the good work. hehe love you:)

Anonymous said...

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